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 ARMES: Muse/Mage/Cleric

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Astarot's King'Z
Astarot's King'Z

Messages : 320
Date d'inscription : 21/09/2007

ARMES: Muse/Mage/Cleric Empty
MessageSujet: ARMES: Muse/Mage/Cleric   ARMES: Muse/Mage/Cleric Icon_minitimeDim 23 Sep - 14:25

Toujours pareil, mais pour les Muses!


--[1.1]Boabab Rod
--[1.2]Lemmings Rod
--[1.3]Animal Rod
--[1.4]Mage's Rod
--[1.5]White Staff
--[1.6]Wisp Staff
--[1.7]Shadow Staff
--[1.8]Golden Staff
--[1.9]Anima Staff
--[1.10]Land Staff
--[1.11]Holy Staff
--[1.12]Dark Staff
--[1.13]Rune Staff
--[1.14]Prayer Staff
--[1.15]Cypress Pole
--[1.16]Ikaness Staff
--[1.17]Oracle Staff
--[1.18]Twinkle Staff
--[1.19]Sparkle Staff
--[1.20]Amazing Carrot

-[2.0]Magic Tool

--[2.1]Baobab Wand
--[2.2]Mage's Wand
--[2.3]Sorcerer's Wand
--[2.4]Elven Wand
--[2.5]Silence Wand
--[2.6]Windphon Wand
--[2.7]Flame Wand
--[2.8]Thunder Wand
--[2.9]Blizzard Wand
--[2.10]Recovery Wand
--[2.11]Windstorm Wand
--[2.12]Holy Wand
--[2.13]Shadow Wand
--[2.14]Bleak Wand
--[2.15]Conjurer's Wand
--[2.16]Twister Wand
--[2.17]Snake Wand
--[2.18]Ouroboros Wand
--[2.19]Sternen Haufen
--[2.20]Amazing Brush


[1.1]Baobab Rod
A basic Rod made of out Baobab wood.
Stats: 15% MP Consumption
Attack Power: 19
Attack Speed: Fast +2
Range: 2M
Grade: 1
Level: 10
Required Stats: 28 INT
Weight: 5
Cost: 1,134

[1.2]Lemmings Rod
A cute Rod that's good for handling mice.
Stats: 16% MP Consumption
Attack Power: 28
Attack Speed: Fast +2
Range: 2M
Grade: 1
Level: 20
Required Stats: 44 INT
Weight: 5
Cost: 2,576

[1.3]Animal Rod
A shepherd's Rod that provides suitable damage.
Stats: 16% MP Consumption
Attack Power: 38
Attack Speed: Fast +2
Range: 3
Grade: 2
Level: 29
Required Stats: 58 INT
Weight: 10
Cost: 5,264

[1.4]Mage's Rod
A Mage's Rod that contains just a little bit of magic.
Stats: 17% MP Consumption
Attack Power: 50
Attack Speed: Fast +2
Range: 3M
Grade: 2
Level: 38
Required Stats: 72 INT
Weight: 10
Cost: 10,304

[1.5]White Staff
A Staff that is white as snow, and is very popular amongst the ladies.
Stats: 18% MP Consumption
Attack Power: 62
Attack Speed: Fast +2
Range: 3M
Grade: 3
Level: 47
Required Stats: 85 INT
Weight: 10
Cost: 18,464

[1.6]Wisp Staff
A monster's Staff that is always following the light of spirits.
Stats: 19% MP Consumption
Attack Power: 75
Attack Speed: Fast +2
Range: 3M
Grade: 3
Level: 56
Required Stats: 99 INT
Weight: 20
Cost: 31,159

[1.7]Shadow Staff
An uncommon Staff in which dark magic is sealed.
Stats: 20% MP Consumption
Attack Power: 90
Attack Speed: Fast +2
Range: 3M
Grade: 4
Level: 64
Required Stats: 111 INT
Weight: 20
Cost: 44,720

[1.8]Golden Staff
An everlasting Staff constructed out of pure gold.
Stats: 21% MP Consumption
Attack Power: 105
Attack Speed: Fast +2
Range: 3M
Grade: 4
Level: 72
Required Stats: 123 INT
Weight: 25
Cost: 64,628

[1.9]Anima Staff
A Mage's Staff that contains the magic power of Anima.
Stats: 21% MP Consumption
Attack Power: 122
Attack Speed: Fast +2
Range: 3M
Grade: 5
Level: 80
Required Stats: 135 INT
Weight: 25
Cost: 91,409

[1.10]Land Staff
A Mage's Staff that contains the power of the earth.
Stats: 22% MP Consumption
Attack Power: 140
Attack Speed: Fast +2
Range: 3
Grade: 6
Level: 88
Required Stats: 147 INT
Weight: 30
Cost: 122,463

[1.11]Holy Staff
A clergyman's Staff which contains the power of holiness.
Stats: 23% MP Consumption
Attack Power: 158
Attack Speed: Fast +2
Range: 3M
Grade: 6
Level: 95
Required Stats: 158 INT
Weight: 30
Cost: 163,332

[1.12]Dark Staff
A heretic's Staff that flows with dark energy.
Stats: 24% MP Consumption
Attack Power: 166
Attack Speed: Fast +2
Range: 3M
Grade: 6
Level: 100
Required Stats: 168 INT
Weight: 30
Cost: 213,060

[1.13]Rune Staff
A Mage's Staff engraved with mystic runes.
Stats: 24% MP Consumption
Attack Power: 199
Attack Speed: Fast +2
Range: 3
Grade: 6
Level: 100
Required Stats: 178 INT
Weight: 30
Cost: Not Sold

[1.14]Prayer Staff
A mace constructed from a tree struck by lightning. It conceals an astonishing power.
Stats: 24% MP Consumption
Attack Power: 221
Attack Speed: Fast +2
Range: 3M
Grade: 6
Level: 100
Required Stats: 189 INT
Weight: 30
Cost: Not Sold

[1.15]Cypress Pole
A long Staff made from a cypress tree that was saturated with someone's hatred. It's filled with magic that tempts those who see this Staff.
Stats: 25% MP Consumption
Attack Power: 244
Attack Speed: Fast +2
Range: 3M
Grade: 6
Level: 100
Required Stats: 199 INT
Weight: 30
Cost: Not Sold

[1.16]Ikaness Staff
A Staff with that hasn't yet revealed its true power. A strange energy can be sensed from it.
Stats: 25% MP Consumption
Attack Power: 269
Attack Speed: Fast +2
Range: 3
Grade: 6
Level: 100
Required Stats: 208 INT
Weight: 30
Cost: Not Sold

[1.17]Oracle Staff
A Staff used to create miracles by Seyrun the Sage.
Stats: 25% MP Consumption
Attack Power: 294
Attack Speed: Fast +2
Range: 3
Grade: 6
Level: 100
Required Stats: 217 INT
Weight: 35
Cost: Not Sold

[1.18]Twinkle Staff
A Staff which greatly raises magical power.
Stats: 25% MP Consumption
Attack Power: 320
Attack Speed: Fast +2
Range: 3
Grade: 6
Level: 100
Required Stats: 232 INT
Weight: 35
Cost: Not Sold

[1.19]Sparkle Staff
A Staff that summons more magical power than the Twinkle Staff.
Stats: 25% MP Consumption
Attack Power: 348
Attack Speed: Fast +2
Range: 3
Grade: 6
Level: 100
Required Stats: 247 INT
Weight: 35
Cost: Not Sold

[1.20]Amazing Carrot
It's a magic wand from mysterious live carrot
Stats: 26% MP Consumption
Attack Power: 342
Attack Speed: Fast +2
Range: 3
Grade: 6
Level: 100
Required Stats: 244 INT
Weight: 40
Cost: Not Sold

A huge, heavy Staff crafted of an old metal compound.
Stats: 27% MP Consumption
Attack Power: 350
Attack Speed: Fast +2
Range: 3
Grade: 7
Level: 180
Required Stats: 251 INT
Weight: 40
Cost: Not Sold

This Staff is freakin' huge.
Stats: 28% MP Consumption
Attack Power: 358
Attack Speed: Fast +2
Range: 3
Grade: 8
Level: 200
Required Stats: 258 INT
Weight: 40
Cost: Not Sold

[2.0]Magic Tool

[1.1]Baobab Wand
Constructed from wood from the Baobab tree, this Wand contains a small amount of magic power.
Stats: 5% MP Consumption
Attack Power: 15
Attack Speed: Normal
Range: 16M
Grade: 1
Level: 13
Required Stats: 31 INT
Weight: 3

[1.2]Mage's Wand
A basic Wand used by Mages to focus their mystic energies.
Stats: 6% MP Consumption
Attack Power: 24
Attack Speed: Normal
Range: 18M
Grade: 1
Level: 21
Required Stats: 50 INT
Weight: 3
Cost: 2,116

[1.3]Sorcerer's Wand
A Wand, used by sorcerers, in which offensive magic sealed.
Stats: 7% MP Consumption
Attack Power: 32
Attack Speed: Normal
Range: 18M
Grade: 2
Level: 30
Required Stats: 65 INT
Weight: 5
Cost: 4,455

[1.4]Elven Wand
A Wand containing the holy magic of the Elves.
Stats: 8% Consumption
Attack Power: 42
Attack Speed: Normal
Range: 18M
Grade: 2
Level: 39
Required Stats: 80 INT
Weight: 5
Cost: 8,892

[1.5]Silence Wand
A magic Wand that contains the power to bring silence to its surroundings.
Stats: 8% MP Consumption
Attack Power: 53
Attack Speed: Normal
Range: 18M
Grade: 3
Level: 48
Required Stats: 94 INT
Weight: 5
Cost: 15,610

[1.6]Windphon Wand
A divine Wand that can call forth the wind.
Stats: 9% MP Consumption
Attack Power: 65
Attack Speed: Normal
Range: 18M
Grade: 3
Level: 57
Required Stats: 109 INT
Weight: 5
Cost: 28,130

[1.7]Flame Wand
A Mage's Wand that can shoot magical flames.
Stats: 10% MP Consumption
Attack Power: 79
Attack Speed: Normal
Range: 20M
Grade: 4
Level: 65
Required Stats: 122 INT
Weight: 5
Cost: 43,900

[1.8]Thunder Wand
A Mage's Wand that can mystically discharge lightning.
Stats: 11% MP Consumption
Attack Power: 93
Attack Speed: Normal
Range: 20M
Grade: 4
Level: 73
Required Stats: 134 INT
Weight: 10
Cost: 16,388

[1.9]Blizzard Wand
A Mage's Wand that can magically shoot ice fragments.
Stats: 12% MP Consumption
Attack Power: 108
Attack Speed: Normal
Range: 20M
Grade: 5
Level: 81
Required Stats: 147 INT
Weight: 10
Cost: 89,517

[1.10]Recovery Wand
A magical Wand that contains restorative energies.
Stats: 13% MP Consumption
Attack Power: 125
Attack Speed: Normal
Range: 20M
Grade: 6
Level: 89
Required Stats: 160 INT
Weight: 10
Cost: 127,490

[1.11]Windstorm Wand
A Wand that was been magically constructed to call forth wind vacuums.
Stats: 13% MP Consumption
Attack Power: 142
Attack Speed: Normal
Range: 20M
Grade: 6
Level: 96
Required Stats: 171 INT
Weight: 10
Cost: 165,144

[1.12]Holy Wand
A magic Wand that flows with the power of holiness.
Stats: 14% MP Consumption
Attack Power: 149
Attack Speed: Normal
Range: 22M
Grade: 6
Level: 100
Required Stats: 182 INT
Weight: 10
Cost: 222,468

[1.13]Shadow Wand
A Mage's Wand that contains dark energies.
Stats: 15% MP Consumption
Attack Power: 180
Attack Speed: Normal
Range: 22M
Grade: 6
Level: 100
Required Stats: 193 INT
Weight: 15
Cost: Not Sold

[1.14]Bleak Wand
A Wand that can call forth windstorms. Most Mages cannot handle its sheer power.
Stats: 16% MP Consumption
Attack Power: 201
Attack Speed: Normal
Range: 22M
Grade: 6
Level: 100
Required Stats: 204 INT
Weight: 10
Cost: Not Sold

[1.15]Conjurer's Wand
A mysterious Wand once owned by Ishtal Silver. Somehow, this wand is supposed to be able to talk to its owner.
Stats: 16% MP Consumption
Attack Power: 222
Attack Speed: Normal
Range: 22M
Grade: 6
Level: 100
Required Stats: 215 INT
Weight: 20
Cost: Not Sold

[1.16]Twister Wand
The incantation to cause tornados was written on this Wand by witches. The actual effectiveness of this incantation is uncertain.
Stats: 17% MP Consumption
Attack Power: 245
Attack Speed: Normal
Range: 22M
Grade: 6
Level: 100
Required Stats: 224 INT
Weight: 20
Cost: Not Sold

[1.17]Snake Wand
A short Wand that is shaped like a Cobra at its end.
Stats: 18% MP Consumption
Attack Power: 268
Attack Speed: Normal
Range: 24M
Grade: 6
Level: 100
Required Stats: 240 INT
Weight: 20
Cost: Not Sold

[1.18]Ouroboros Wand
This Wand is a symbol of Ouroboros, the mythical eight headed serpent.
Stats: 19% MP Consumption
Attack Power: 293
Attack Speed: Normal
Range: 24M
Grade: 6
Level: 100
Required Stats: 255 INT
Weight: 20
Cost: Not Sold

[1.19]Sternen Haufen
A Wand with decorated with several small stars.
Stats: 20% MP Consumption
Attack Power: 319
Attack Speed: Normal
Range: 24M
Grade: 7
Level: 180
Required Stats: 260 INT
Weight: 20
Cost: Not Sold

[1.20]Amazing Brush
A small Wand shaped like a curved brush.
Stats: 21% MP Consumption
Attack Power: 346
Attack Speed: Normal
Range: 24M
Grade: 8
Level: 200
Required Stats: 265 INT
Weight: 20
Cost: Not Sold
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