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 ARMES: Uniques

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4 participants
Astarot's King'Z
Astarot's King'Z

Messages : 320
Date d'inscription : 21/09/2007

ARMES: Uniques Empty
MessageSujet: ARMES: Uniques   ARMES: Uniques Icon_minitimeSam 22 Sep - 19:03

Voila un autre post, cette fois avec les armes uniques (rares), voyez laquelle vous convient le mieux! (Tous les noms en Anglais+stats+si elles sont en vente chez un NPC)

--[1.5]Spike Club
--[1.8]Devil Axe
--[1.9]Dark Buster
--[1.12]Bow of the Fairies
--[1.13]Bow of Artemis
--[1.14]Bow of Sagittarius
--[1.15]Composite Bow Gun
--[1.16]Knight Killer
--[1.19]Shining Finger
--[1.20]Falchion Gladius
--[1.21]Falchion Firangi
--[1.22]Firangi Firangi
--[1.23]Shining Staff
--[1.24]Lunar Seal Staff
--[1.25]Chronicle Staff
--[1.26]Coyote Wand
--[1.27]Dust Wand
--[1.28]Crystal Wand
--[1.29]Potbelly Gun
--[1.30]Spero's Revolver
--[1.31]Abyss Rifle
--[1.32]Gatling Multi Launcher


A broad, heavy sword that's optimized for use in overhead attacks.
Stats: Max HP 300
Attack Power: 56
Attack Speed: Fast +4
Range: 2M
Grade: 0
Level: n/a
Required Stats: 96 STR
Weight: 66
Cost: Not Sold

The standard sword for mercenary soldiers working for the Ferrell Guild.
Stats: Attack Power 30
Attack Power: 98
Attack Speed: Fast +4
Range: 2M
Grade: 0
Level: n/a
Required Stats: 147 STR
Weight: 105
Cost: Not Sold

A sword for the nobility that excels in both ornate magnificence and performance.
Stats: 20% MP Consumption
Attack Power: 135
Attack Speed: Fast +4
Range: 2M
Grade: 0
Level: n/a
Required Stats: 183 STR
Weight: 133
Cost: Not Sold

A peculiar, cross shaped weapon used as a bludgeon.
Stats: Max HP 400
Attack Power: 76
Attack Speed: Fast +3
Range: 2M
Grade: 0
Level: n/a
Required Stats: 117 STR
Weight: 76
Cost: Not Sold

[1.5]Spike Club
Covered in spikes, this weapon was crafted with the intent to hideously wound enemies.
Stats: Critical 40
Attack Power: 126
Attack Speed: Fast +3
Range: 2M
Grade: 0
Level: n/a
Required Stats: 171 STR
Weight: 115
Cost: Not Sold

Although difficult to handle, the Zweihander is an extraordinarily powerful sword.
Stats: Critical 35
Attack Power: 78
Attack Speed: Fast +2
Range: 2M
Grade: 0
Level: n/a
Required Stats: 97 STR
Weight: 87
Cost: Not Sold

A Two-Handed Sword with the image of the phoenix, symbol of immortality.
Stats: 20% MP Consumption
Attack Power: 141
Attack Speed: Fast +2
Range: 2M
Grade: 0
Level: n/a
Required Stats: 156 STR
Weight: 142
Cost: Not Sold

[1.8]Devil Axe
A cursed Axe engraved with an image of a demon.
Stats: Max HP 400
Attack Power: 98
Attack Speed: Fast +1
Range: 2M
Grade: 0
Level: n/a
Required Stats: 123 STR
Weight: 103
Cost: Not Sold

[1.9]Dark Buster
A huge Axe for vanquishing the darkness.
Stats: Defense 60
Attack Power: 152
Attack Speed: Fast +1
Range: 2M
Grade: 0
Level: n/a
Required Stats: 181 STR
Weight: 153
Cost: Not Sold

A huge scimitar with a wide blade.
Stats: Critical 40
Attack Power: 106
Attack Speed: Fast +3
Range: 3M
Grade: 0
Level: n/a
Required Stats: 125 STR
Weight: 118
Cost: Not Sold

A versatile Spear with a long and narrow spearhead and an axe shaped blade.
Stats: Dodge Rate 30
Attack Power: 166
Attack Speed: Fast +3
Range: 3M
Grade: 0
Level: n/a
Required Stats: 176 STR
Weight: 167
Cost: Not Sold

[1.12]Bow of the Fairies
A Bow created from the wood and the powder of the Fairies.
Stats: Dodge Rate 25
Attack Power: 77
Attack Speed: Fast +3
Range: 28M
Grade: 0
Level: n/a
Required Stats: 96 DEX
Weight: 28
Cost: Not Sold

[1.13]Bow of Artemis
A symbol of speed and agility, this Bow is so light that anyone can use it.
Stats: Attack Speed 20
Attack Power: 116
Attack Speed: Fast +3
Range: 29M
Grade: 0
Level: n/a
Required Stats: 134 DEX
Weight: 40
Cost: Not Sold

[1.14]Bow of Sagittarius
A legendary Bow said to be used by archers with remarkable ability.
Stats: Critical 45
Attack Power: 143
Attack Speed: Fast +4
Range: 30M
Grade: 0
Level: n/a
Required Stats: 163 DEX
Weight: 49
Cost: Not Sold

[1.15]Composite Bow Gun
A Bow Gun that has been upgraded from existing Crossbows.
Stats: Critical 40
Attack Power: 118
Attack Speed: Fast +3
Range: 30M
Grade: 0
Level: n/a
Required Stats: 114 STR

[1.16]Knight Killer
A Bow Gun that specializes in piercing the armor that covers a knight's chest.
Stats: Attack Speed 20
Attack Power: 179
Attack Speed: Fast +3
Range: 30M
Grade: 0
Level: n/a
Required Stats: 154 STR
Weight: 59

An ancient weapon with a long blade.
Stats: Critical 35
Attack Power: 68
Attack Speed: Fast +4
Range: 2M
Grade: 0
Level: n/a
Required Stats: 90 DEX
Weight: 27
Cost: Not Sold

An impressive weapon made in the shape of a half moon.
Stats: Dodge Rate 30
Attack Power: 116
Attack Speed: Fast +4
Range: 2M
Grade: 0
Level: n/a
Required Stats: 139 DEX
Weight: 43
Cost: Not Sold

[1.19]Shining Finger
A lethal weapon with three claws that threaten to shred the enemy to certain death.
Stats: Attack Power 30
Attack Power: 152
Attack Speed: Fast +5
Range: 2M
Grade: 0
Level: n/a
Required Stats: 175 DEX
Weight: 56
Cost: Not Sold

A weapon combination that can only be used by those who have mastered the fundamentals of battle.
Stats: Dodge Rate 25
Attack Power: 97
Attack Speed: Fast +2
Range: 2M
Grade: 0
Level: n/a
Required Stats: 84 DEX
Weight: 106
Cost: Not Sold

A versatile weapon combination that makes use of both a wide Falchion blade and a thin Firangi.
Stats: Attack Speed 20
Attack Power: 157
Attack Speed: Fast +2
Range: 2M
Grade: 0
Level: n/a
Required Stats: 122 DEX
Weight: 155
Cost: Not Sold

A noble weapon combination that is ideal for inflicting critical damage.
Stats: Attack Power 30
Attack Power: 209
Attack Speed: Fast +3
Range: 2M
Grade: 0
Level: n/a
Required Stats: 154 DEX
Weight: 197
Cost: Not Sold

[1.23]Shinining Staff
A magic Staff said to contain the power of light since ancient times.
Stats: 21% MP Consumption
Attack Power: 63
Attack Speed: Fast +3
Range: 2M
Grade: 0
Level: n/a
Required Stats: 91 INT
Weight: 66
Cost: Not Sold

[1.24]Lunar Seal Staff
A Staff containing some of the abundant Mana power from the planet of Luna.
Stats: 25% MP Consumption
Attack Power: 103
Attack Speed: Fast +3
Range: 2M
Grade: 0
Level: n/a
Required Stats: 138 INT
Weight: 104
Cost: Not Sold

[1.25]Chronicle Staff
An ancient Staff that has existed since the earliest chronicled moments in magic history.
Stats: 28% MP Consumption
Attack Power: 147
Attack Speed: Fast +3
Range: 3M
Grade: 0
Level: n/a
Required Stats: 175 INT
Weight: 135
Cost: Not Sold

[1.26]Coyote Wand
A Wand that looks like it has a coyote head attached to it.
Stats: 13% MP Consumption
Attack Power: 68
Attack Speed: Fast +1
Range: 20M
Grade: 0
Level: n/a
Required Stats: 111 INT
Weight: 32
Cost: Not Sold

[1.27]Dust Wand
A Wand that is decorated with a red comet.
Stats: 17% MP Consumption
Attack Power: 114
Attack Speed: Fast +1
Range: 22M
Grade: 0
Level: n/a
Required Stats: 162 INT
Weight: 48
Cost: Not Sold

[1.28]Crystal Wand
A magic Wand that has crystals attached to it.
Stats: 20% MP Consumption
Attack Power: 145
Attack Speed: Fast +2
Range: 23M
Grade: 0
Level: n/a
Required Stats: 196 INT
Weight: 59
Cost: Not Sold

[1.29]Potbelly Gun
A cute Gun with a short muzzle, but with a fat barrel, sort of like a potbelly.
Stats: 15% MP Comsumption
Attack Power: 78
Attack Speed: Fast +2
Range: 30M
Grade: 0
Level: n/a
Required Stats: 93 CON
Weight: 27
Cost: Not Sold

[1.30]Spero's Revolver
A revolver that is one of Spero's prized inventions.
Stats: Max HP 200
Attack Power: 119
Attack Speed: Fast +2
Range: 31M
Grade: 0
Level: n/a
Required Stats: 131 CON
Weight: 40
Cost: Not Sold

[1.31]Abyss Rifle
A powerful rifle that can even aim at targets at the bottom of an abyss.
Stats: Attack Speed 20
Attack Power: 163
Attack Speed: Fast +2
Range: 32M
Grade: 0
Level: n/a
Required Stats: 165 CON
Weight: 52
Cost: Not Sold

[1.32]Gatling Multi Launcher
A Launcher that has the power to fire many bullets at once.
Stats: Max HP 200
Attack Power: 101
Attack Speed: Fast +1
Range: 32M
Grade: 0
Level: n/a
Required Stats: 59 STR
Weight: 99
Cost: Not Sold

A weapon which strikes fear into the hearts of those who must face the power of Faust.
Stats: 155
Attack Power: 155
Attack Speed: Fast +1
Range: 32M
Grade: 0
Level: n/a
Required Stats: 84 STR
Weight: 142
Cost: Not Sold
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BiG MasTeR Et Apprenti - Vizard
BiG MasTeR Et Apprenti - Vizard

Messages : 592
Date d'inscription : 27/08/2007
Localisation : Dans la merde....

ARMES: Uniques Left_bar_bleue2000/2000ARMES: Uniques Empty_bar_bleue  (2000/2000)

ARMES: Uniques Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ARMES: Uniques   ARMES: Uniques Icon_minitimeSam 22 Sep - 20:32

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Krawfy Giant'z
Krawfy Giant'z

Messages : 184
Date d'inscription : 03/09/2007
Age : 33
Localisation : Usine de BN

ARMES: Uniques Left_bar_bleue2000/2000ARMES: Uniques Empty_bar_bleue  (2000/2000)

ARMES: Uniques Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ARMES: Uniques   ARMES: Uniques Icon_minitimeSam 22 Sep - 23:44

mais les uniques existent sur evo?
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Big Floodeur No-Life !!!
Big Floodeur No-Life !!!

Messages : 1121
Date d'inscription : 09/09/2007
Localisation : Par la =>

ARMES: Uniques Left_bar_bleue2000/2000ARMES: Uniques Empty_bar_bleue  (2000/2000)

ARMES: Uniques Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ARMES: Uniques   ARMES: Uniques Icon_minitimeSam 22 Sep - 23:49

oui mais ses souvent les gms qu'il les ont ou les gros levels

et je paise mets mots ^^
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ARMES: Uniques Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ARMES: Uniques   ARMES: Uniques Icon_minitime

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