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 ARMES: Dealer/Bourgeois/Artisan

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Astarot's King'Z
Astarot's King'Z

Messages : 320
Date d'inscription : 21/09/2007

ARMES: Dealer/Bourgeois/Artisan Empty
MessageSujet: ARMES: Dealer/Bourgeois/Artisan   ARMES: Dealer/Bourgeois/Artisan Icon_minitimeDim 23 Sep - 10:41

De même pour les Dealers, Bourgeois et Artisans


--[1.1]Bubble Gun
--[1.2]Air Gun
--[1.3]Gloria Gun
--[1.4]Iron Rifle
--[1.5]Iron Shotgun
--[1.6]Sorden Gun
--[1.7]Edge Gun
--[1.8]Showdown Gun
--[1.10]Sniper Gun
--[1.11]Justice Cannon
--[1.13]Piercing Gun
--[1.15]Brave Gun
--[1.16]Bastard Gun
--[1.17]Steam Shocker
--[1.18]Shock Impact Gun
--[1.19]White Night Gun
--[1.21]Tornado Rifle


--[2.1]Wooden Launcher
--[2.2]Basic Launcher
--[2.3]Hard Launcher
--[2.4]Bronze Launcher
--[2.5]Marble Launcher
--[2.6]Orc Launcher
--[2.7]Mythril Launcher
--[2.8]Cross Launcher
--[2.9]Burning Launcher
--[2.10]Shadow Launcher
--[2.11]Corsair Cannon
--[2.12]Partical Cannon
--[2.13]Mana Cannon
--[2.14]Ferrell Cannon
--[2.15]Spero Shooter
--[2.16]Breakdown Cannon
--[2.17]Reverse Cannon
--[2.19]Gigantic Wave


--[3.1]Simple Bow Gun
--[3.2]Cutter Bow Gun
--[3.3]Quick Bow Gun
--[3.4]Crossbow Gun
--[3.5]Poison Bow Gun
--[3.6]Dark Bow Gun
--[3.7]Elf Bow Gun
--[3.8]Anima Bow Gun
--[3.9]OverGear Bow Gun
--[3.10]Steel Bow Gun
--[3.11]Mythril Bow Gun

[1.1]Bubble Gun
A Gun that fires bubbles at high speeds to confuse the enemy.
Stats: None
Attack Power: 24
Attack Speed: Fast +1
Range: 22M
Grade: 1
Level: 10
Required Stats: 32 CON
Weight: 10
Cost: 1,183

[1.2]Air Gun
A Gun operated with an air powered piston to fire small plastic BBs.
Stats: None
Attack Power: 34
Attack Speed: Fast +1
Range: 22M
Grade: 1
Level: 20
Required Stats: 48 CON
Weight: 10
Cost: 2,746

[1.3]Gloria Gun
Despite being a pistol, the Gloria Gun has an excellent rapid fire rate.
Stats: None
Attack Power: 46
Attack Speed: Fast +1
Range: 23M
Grade: 2
Level: 29
Required Stats: 62 CON
Weight: 15
Cost: 5,538

[1.4]Iron Rifle
A model of one of the very first rifles that introduced the use of guns in battle.
Stats: None
Attack Power: 59
Attack Speed: Fast +1
Range: 23M
Grade: 2
Level: 38
Required Stats: 76 CON
Weight: 20
Cost: 10,138

[1.5]Iron Shotgun
A shotgun that is especially effective at point blank range. Don't get too close to it!
Stats: None
Attack Power: 73
Attack Speed: Fast +1
Range: 23M
Grade: 3
Level: 47
Required Stats: 89 CON
Weight: 20
Cost: 17,280

[1.6]Sorden Gun
A cumbersome looking Gun, it offers decent power but isn't very good at firing rapidly.
Stats: None
Attack Power: 88
Attack Speed: Fast +1
Range: 23M
Grade: 3
Level: 56 CON
Required Stats: 103 CON
Weight: 20
Cost: 30,264

[1.7]Edge Gun
A pistol whose accuracy can be compared to that of ninja assassins.
Stats: None
Attack Power: 104
Attack Speed: Fast +1
Range: 23M
Grade: 4
Level: 64
Required Stats: 115 CON
Weight: 25
Cost: 41,730

[1.8]Showdown Gun
A Gun with that emits a robust, exciting sound when it fires, making it a real crowd pleaser.
Stats: None
Attack Power: 122
Attack Speed: Fast +1
Range: 23M
Grade: 4
Level: 72
Required Stats: 127 CON
Weight: 25
Cost: 60,717

A Gun with enough power to exterminate zombies.
Stats: None
Attack Power: 140
Attack Speed: Fast +1
Range: 25M
Grade: 5
Level: 80
Required Stats: 139 CON
Weight: 30
Cost: 84,246

[1.10]Sniper Gun
A rifle that is well suited to accurately targeting enemies from a great distance.
Stats: None
Attack Power: 160
Attack Speed: Fast +1
Range: 25M
Grade: 6
Level: 88
Required Stats: 150 CON
Weight: 30
Cost: 116,112

[1.11]Justice Cannon
A cannon whose power reflects the fervor of those who fight for justice.
Stats: None
Attack Power: 181
Attack Speed: Fast +1
Range: 25M
Grade: 6
Level: 95
Required Stats: 161 CON
Weight: 30
Cost: 154,033

An all purpose Gun that is perfectly endowed with speed, precision and gentleness.
Stats: None
Attack Power: 190
Attack Speed: Fast +1
Range: 25M
Grade: 6
Level: 100
Required Stats: 171 CON
Weight: 30
Cost: 200,446

[1.13]Piercing Gun
A Gun with the power to pierce absolutely anything.
Stats: None
Attack Power: 227
Attack Speed: Fast +1
Range: 27M
Grade: 6
Level: 100
Required Stats: 181 CON
Weight: 30
Cost: Not Sold

A masterpiece that combines both incredible power and gorgeous design.
Stats: None
Attack Power: 251
Attack Speed: Fast +1
Range: 27M
Grade: 6
Level: 100
Required Stats: 191 CON
Weight: 35
Cost: Not Sold

[1.15]Brave Gun
A rifle of judgment that only one that truly has courage may use.
Stats: None
Attack Power: 227
Attack Speed: Fast +1
Range: 27M
Grade: 6
Level: 100
Required Stats: 202 CON
Weight: 35
Cost: Not Sold

[1.16]Bastard Gun
At long last, a weapon that is half gun, half Bastard Sword. It's specially patented.
Stats: None
Attack Power: 304
Attack Speed: Fast +1
Range: 29M
Grade: 6
Level: 100
Required Stats: 211 CON
Weight: 40
Cost: Not Sold

[1.17]Steam Shocker
A product of both science and magic, the Mana Steam Shocker is a truly fantastic gun.
Stats: None
Attack Power: 332
Attack Speed: Fast +1
Range: 29M
Grade: 6
Level: 100
Required Stats: 219 CON
Weight: 40
Cost: Not Sold

[1.18]Shock Impact Gun
An ornamentally designed Gun which actually has considerable destructive capability.
Stats: None
Attack Power: 361
Attack Speed: Fast +1
Range: 29M
Grade: 6
Level: 100
Required Stats: 234 CON
Weight: 40
Cost: Not Sold

[1.19]White Night Gun
A very practical Gun which shoots blinding bursts of light.
Stats: None
Attack Power: 391
Attack Speed: Fast +1
Range: 29M
Grade: 6
Level: 100
Required Stats: 248 CON
Weight: 45
Cost: Not Sold

An antiquated shotgun that can be easily found almost anywhere.
Stats: None
Attack Power: 410
Attack Speed: Fast +1
Range: 30M
Grade: 7
Level: 180
Required Stats: 260 CON
Weight: 50
Cost: Not Sold

[1.21]Tornado Rifle
Dr. Spero explained that the "Age of Mana and Steam has created a monster!" when this long barreled rifle was developed.
Stats: None
Attack Power: 425
Attack Speed: Fast +1
Range: 30M
Grade: 8
Level: 200
Required Stats: 272 CON
Weight: 50
Cost: Not Sold
Revenir en haut Aller en bas
Astarot's King'Z
Astarot's King'Z

Messages : 320
Date d'inscription : 21/09/2007

ARMES: Dealer/Bourgeois/Artisan Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ARMES: Dealer/Bourgeois/Artisan   ARMES: Dealer/Bourgeois/Artisan Icon_minitimeDim 23 Sep - 10:44

Suite: [2.0]Launcher

[2.1]Wooden Launcher
A simple Launcher constructed out of wood.
Stats: None
Attack Power: 54
Attack Speed: Normal
Range: 25M
Grade: 2
Level: 30
Required Stats: 28 STR
Weight: 20
Cost: 11,957

[2.2]Basic Launcher
A basic Launcher that is fairly stable.
Stats: None
Attack Power: 68
Attack Speed: Normal
Range: 25M
Grade: 2
Level: 39
Required Stats: 36 STR
Weight: 20
Cost: 21,477

[2.3]Hard Launcher
A tough Launcher that won't break easily.
Stats: None
Attack Power: 84
Attack Speed: Normal
Range: 26M
Grade: 3
Level: 48
Required Stats: 44 STR
Weight: 20
Cost: 36,618

[2.4]Bronze Launcher
A sturdy Launcher made entirely of bronze.
Stats: None
Attack Power: 101
Attack Speed: Normal
Range: 26M
Grade: 3
Level: 57
Required Stats: 52 STR
Weight: 20
Cost: 55,438

[2.5]Marble Launcher
A fancy launcher made of out high quality marble.
Stats: None
Attack Power: 119
Attack Speed: Normal
Range: 27M
Grade: 4
Level: 65
Required Stats: 59 STR
Weight: 20
Cost: 80,333

[2.6]Orc Launcher
A heavy Launcher used by the Orc Warriors.
Stats: None
Attack Power: 139
Attack Speed: Normal
Range: 27M
Grade: 5
Level: 73
Required Stats: 67 STR
Weight: 20
Cost: 112,831

[2.7]Mythril Launcher
A masterpiece of a Launcher constructed of high grade Mythril.
Stats: None
Attack Power: 160
Attack Speed: Normal
Range: 27M
Grade: 5
Level: 81
Required Stats: 74 STR
Weight: 20
Cost: 152,366

[2.8]Cross Launcher
An attractive Launcher decorated with crossed blades.
Stats: None
Attack Power: 182
Attack Speed: Normal
Range: 28M
Grade: 6
Level: 89
Required Stats: 80 STR
Weight: 20
Cost: 211,860

[2.9]Burning Launcher
Launcher with explosive power that shoots flaming shells.
Stats: None
Attack Power: 205
Attack Speed: Normal
Range: 28M
Grade: 6
Level: 96
Required Stats: 87 STR
Weight: 20
Cost: 274,229

[2.10]Shadow Launcher
A Launcher that is said to shoot the essence of darkness itself.
Stats: None
Attack Power: 215
Attack Speed: Normal
Range: 28M
Grade: 6
Level: 100
Required Stats: 93 STR
Weight: 20
Cost: 357,147

[2.11]Corsair Cannon
A Launcher used by pirates in their own flying ships.
Stats: None
Attack Power: 255
Attack Speed: Normal
Range: 30M
Grade: 6
Level: 100
Required Stats: 99 STR
Weight: 20
Cost: Not Sold

[2.12]Particle Cannon
A Launcher that harnesses the energy of the earth to fire powerful shots.
Stats: None
Attack Power: 282
Attack Speed: Normal
Range: 30M
Grade: 6
Level: 100
Required Stats: 105 STR
Weight: 20
Cost: Not Sold

[2.13]Mana Cannon
A powerful Launcher that gathers Mana Energy to fire destructive bursts.
Stats: None
Attack Power: 310
Attack Speed: Normal
Range: 30M
Grade: 6
Level: 100
Required Stats: 111 STR
Weight: 20
Cost: Not Sold

[2.14]Ferrell Cannon
Originally designed to protect the merchants of the Ferrell Guild, the Ferrell Cannon has been remodeled for use in siege warfare.
Stats: None
Attack Power: 340
Attack Speed: Normal
Range: 32M
Grade: 6
Level: 100
Required Stats: 116 STR
Weight: 20
Cost: Not Sold

[2.15]Spero Shooter
A dreadfully powerful weapon developed by Spero. This must be a mistake!
Stats: None
Attack Power: 371
Attack Speed: Normal
Range: 32M
Grade: 6
Level: 100
Required Stats: 121 STR
Weight: 20
Cost: Not Sold

[2.16]Breakdown Cannon
A powerful Launcher whose only purpose is to reduce anything to rubble.
Stats: None
Attack Power: 403
Attack Speed: Normal
Range: 32M
Grade: 6
Level: 100
Required Stats: 130 STR
Weight: 20
Cost: Not Sold

[2.17]Reverse Cannon
An incredibly lethal weapon whose power well exceeds self-defense purposes.
Stats: None
Attack Power: 436
Attack Speed: Normal
Range: 32M
Grade: 6
Level: 100
Required Stats: 138 STR
Weight: 20
Cost: Not Sold

A Launcher with covered in thorny spikes like a hedgehog.
Stats: None
Attack Power: 448
Attack Speed: Normal
Range: 34M
Grade: 7
Level: 180
Required Stats: 150 STR
Weight: 20
Cost: Not Sold

[2.19]Gigantic Wave
A simple, rough looking Launcher with a wide muzzle.
Stats: None
Attack Power: 462
Attack Speed: Normal
Range: 34M
Grade: 8
Level: 200
Required Stats: 164 STR
Weight: 20
Cost: Not Sold


[3.1]Simple Bow Gun
A simple Crossbow that can be used with one hand.
Stats: None
Attack Power: 52
Attack Speed: Fast +2
Range: 20M
Grade: 2
Level: 40
Required Stats: 62 STR
Weight: 10
Cost: Not Sold

[3.2]Cutter Bow Gun
A Crossbow that fires bolts which can cut through anything.
Stats: None
Attack Power: 65
Attack Speed: Fast +2
Range: 20M
Grade: 3
Level: 50
Required Stats: 74 STR
Weight: 10
Cost: Not Sold

[3.3]Quick Bow Gun
A Crossbow that provides superior rapid firing power.
Stats: None
Attack Power: 71
Attack Speed: Fast +4
Range: 20M
Grade: 3
Level: 59
Required Stats: 86 STR
Weight: 15
Cost: Not Sold

[3.4]Crossbow Gun
A Crossbow which provides great destructive power.
Stats: None
Attack Power: 91
Attack Speed: Fast +3
Range: 22
Grade: 4
Level: 68
Required Stats: 97 STR
Weight: 20
Cost: Not Sold

[3.5]Poison Bow Gun
A Crossbow smothered with poison curse magic.
Stats: None
Attack Power: 111
Attack Speed: Fast +2
Range: 22M
Grade: 4
Level: 77
Required Stats: 109 STR
Weight: 20
Cost: Not Sold

[3.6]Dark Bow Gun
A high quality Crossbow that comes in a polished black color.
Stats: None
Attack Power: 128
Attack Speed: Fast +2
Range: 22M
Grade: 5
Level: 85
Required Stats: 119 STR
Weight: 20
Cost: Not Sold

[3.7]Elf Bow Gun
A gorgeous, yet simple to use, Crossbow that was used by the Elves.
Stats: None
Attack Power: 140
Attack Speed: Fast +3
Range: 23M
Grade: 6
Level: 93
Required Stats: 129 STR
Weight: 25
Cost: Not Sold

[3.8]Anima Bow Gun
A Crossbow infused with the power of nature.
Stats: None
Attack Power: 167
Attack Speed: Fast +2
Range: 23M
Grade: 6
Level: 100
Required Stats: 139 STR
Weight: 25
Cost: Not Sold

[3.9]OverGear Bow Gun
The most scientifically advanced Crossbow designed to eradicate foes.
Stats: None
Attack Power: 175
Attack Speed: Fast +2
Range: 23M
Grade: 6
Level: 100
Required Stats: 149 STR
Weight: 30
Cost: Not Sold

[3.10]Steel Bow Gun
A Bow Gun, constructed of special material, that is powerful enough to pierce solid steel.
Stats: None
Attack Power: 209
Attack Speed: Fast +2
Range: 23M
Grade: 6
Level: 100
Required Stats: 166 STR
Weight: 30
Cost: Not Sold

[3.11]Mythril Bow Gun
A Bow Gun, constructed out of mythril, which is stronger than the Mythril Bow.
Stats: None
Attack Power: 232
Attack Speed: Fast +2
Range: 24M
Grade: 6
Level: 100
Required Stats: 181 STR
Weight: 30
Cost: Not Sold
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