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 ARMES: Hawker/Raider/Scout

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Astarot's King'Z
Astarot's King'Z

Messages : 320
Date d'inscription : 21/09/2007

ARMES: Hawker/Raider/Scout Empty
MessageSujet: ARMES: Hawker/Raider/Scout   ARMES: Hawker/Raider/Scout Icon_minitimeDim 23 Sep - 10:34

Voila les armes pour Hawker, Raider, Scout, lorsque j'aurai le temps, je mettrai le /item pour les GM Smile


--[1.1]Tow Bow
--[1.2]Short Bow
--[1.3]Long Bow
--[1.4]Orc Bow
--[1.5]White Wing Bow
--[1.6]Elf Bow
--[1.7]Iron Bow
--[1.8]Maiya Bow
--[1.9]Rider Bow
--[1.10]Half-Elf Bow
--[1.11]Mythril Bow
--[1.12]Bow of East Archer
--[1.13]Cupid Bow
--[1.14]Bow of Wind Spirit
--[1.15]Dual Stick Bow
--[1.16]Mediator Bow
--[1.17]Lynx Bow
--[1.18]Bifenith Bow
--[1.19]Zephyr Long Bow
--[1.20]Six Stick Bow
--[1.21]Kentauros Bow
--[1.22]Zephyr Falcon

--[2.2]Sword Knuckle
--[2.4]Rake Hand
--[2.5]Wolf's Paw
--[2.6]Bear's Paw
--[2.7]Spike Knuckle
--[2.8]Crescent Knuckle
--[2.9]Dual Patar
--[2.10]Shaft Claw
--[2.11]Assassin Katar
--[2.12]Dragon Knuckle
--[2.13]Sudden Raid Dagger
--[2.15]Fenrir's Tooth
--[2.16]Phantasma Knuckle
--[2.17]Bloody Hook Knuckle
--[2.18]Hawk Knuckle
--[2.19]Raven Knuckle

[1.1]Toy Bow
A funny Bow that seems to have been made as a children's toy.
Stats: None
Attack Power: 13
Attack Speed: Fast +2
Range: 20M
Grade: 1
Level: n/a
Required Stats: None
Weight: 5
Cost: 359

[1.2]Short Bow
A Bow that's so easy to use, even a child can use it.
Stats: None
Attack Power: 23
Attack Speed: Fast +2
Range: 21M
Grade: 1
Level: 10
Required Stats: 29 DEX
Weight: 5
Cost: 964

[1.3]Long Bow
The most fundamental Bow for established Bow attack strategies.
Stats: None
Attack Power: 33
Attack Speed: Fast +2
Range: 22M
Grade: 1
Level: 20
Required Stats: 45 DEX
Weight: 10
Cost: 2,140

[1.4]Orc Bow
The basic Bow for Orc Archers.
Stats: None
Attack Power: 45
Attack Speed: Fast +2
Range: 22M
Grade: 2
Level: 29
Required Stats: 60 DEX
Weight: 10
Cost: 4,077

[1.5]White Wing Bow
A Bow that is made in the form of a little angel's wing.
Stats: None
Attack Power: 57
Attack Speed: Fast +2
Range: 22M
Grade: 2
Level: 38
Required Stats: 74 DEX
Weight: 10
Cost: 7,558

[1.6]Elf Bow
A powerful Bow that was used by the Elves.
Stats: None
Attack Power: 71
Attack Speed: Fast +2
Range: 23M
Grade: 3
Level: 47
Required Stats: 88 DEX
Weight: 15
Cost: 13,318

[1.7]Iron Bow
A solid Bow that is constructed of iron.
Stats: None
Attack Power: 86
Attack Speed: Fast +2
Range: 23M
Grade: 3
Level: 56
Required Stats: 102 DEX
Weight: 15
Cost: 22,848

[1.8]Maiya Bow
A Bow that calls forth the determination of shepherd boys who have decided to eradicate the wolves that have stolen their sheep.
Stats: None
Attack Power: 103
Attack Speed: Fast +2
Range: 23M
Grade: 4
Level: 64
Required Stats: 114 DEX
Weight: 15
Cost: 32,383

[1.9]Rider Bow
An awesome Bow used by noble warriors wearing the mask of the grasshopper.
Stats: None
Attack Power: 120
Attack Speed: Fast +2
Range: 24M
Grade: 4
Level: 72
Required Stats: 126 DEX
Weight: 20
Cost: 46,434

[1.10]Half-Elf Bow
The basic Bow that was used by Half Elves.
Stats: None
Attack Power: 139
Attack Speed: Fast +2
Range: 24M
Grade: 5
Level: 80
Required Stats: 139 DEX
Weight: 20
Cost: 64,354

[1.11]Mythril Bow
A Bow made of Mythril whose quality is guaranteed after purchase.
Stats: None
Attack Power: 159
Attack Speed: Fast +2
Range: 24M
Grade: 6
Level: 88
Required Stats: 151 DEX
Weight: 20
Cost: 88,856

[1.12]Bow of East Archer
A Bow that was popularly used in the East.
Stats: None
Attack Power: 180
Attack Speed: Fast +2
Range: 24M
Grade: 6
Level: 95
Required Stats: 161 DEX
Weight: 20
Cost: 112,991

[1.13]Cupid Bow
A Bow imbued with Cupid's charms.
Stats: None
Attack Power: 189
Attack Speed: Fast +2
Range: 25M
Grade: 6
Level: 100
Required Stats: 172 DEX
Weight: 20
Cost: 151,341

[1.14]Bow of Wind Spirit
A mysterious Bow that contains the spirit of the wind.
Stats: None
Attack Power: 225
Attack Speed: Fast +2
Range: 25M
Grade: 6
Level: 100
Required Stats: 183 DEX
Weight: 20
Cost: Not Sold

[1.15]Dual Stick Bow
A Bow said to be used by a legend. However, there are many imitations.
Stats: None
Attack Power: 250
Attack Speed: Fast +2
Range: 25M
Grade: 6
Level: 100
Required Stats: 193 DEX
Weight: 25
Cost: Not Sold

[1.16]Mediator Bow
A Bow whose true power shines when violence is avoided for the sake of justice.
Stats: None
Attack Power: 275
Attack Speed: Fast +2
Range: 25M
Grade: 6
Level: 100
Required Stats: 204 DEX
Weight: 25
Cost: Not Sold

[1.17]Lynx Bow
A legendary Bow used by Eldeon's Hunters.
Stats: None
Attack Power: 302
Attack Speed: Fast +2
Range: 25M
Grade: 6
Level: 100
Required Stats: 213 DEX
Weight: 25
Cost: Not Sold

[1.18]Bifenith Bow
The standard Bow used long ago by a group of warriors united by Robin Hawker.
Stats: None
Attack Power: 330
Attack Speed: Fast +2
Range: 25M
Grade: 6
Level: 100
Required Stats: 222 DEX
Weight: 30
Cost: Not Sold

[1.19]Zephyr Long Bow
A Bow created with the power of the wind.
Stats: None
Attack Power: 360
Attack Speed: Fast +2
Range: 25M
Grade: 6
Level: 100
Required Stats: 237 DEX
Weight: 30
Cost: Not Sold

[1.20]Six Stick Bow
A combination of multiple bows, this Bow offers the most powerful shooting force.
Stats: None
Attack Power: 390
Attack Speed: Fast +2
Range: 26M
Grade: 6
Level: 100
Required Stats: 252 DEX
Weight: 30
Cost: Not Sold

[1.21]Kentauros Bow
A Bow with pointed, menacing thorns.
Stats: None
Attack Power: 405
Attack Speed: Fast +2
Range: 26M
Grade: 7
Level: 180
Required Stats: 266 DEX
Weight: 30
Cost: Not Sold

[1.22]Zephyr Falcon
A Bow imbued with the hatred of Goddess Luna.
Stats: None
Attack Power: 420
Attack Speed: Fast +2
Range: 26M
Grade: 8
Level: 200
Required Stats: 280 DEX
Weight: 30
Cost: Not Sold


Just wearing this thing boosts your courage by a hundredfold.
Stats: None
Attack Power: 23
Attack Speed: Fast +3
Range: 2M
Grade: 1
Level: 10
Required Stats: 28 DEX
Weight: 10
Cost: 874

[2.2]Sword Knuckle
Knuckles that have been fitted with daggers. It's like punching and stabbing at the same time.
Stats: None
Attack Power: 30
Attack Speed: Fast +3
Range: 2M
Grade: 1
Level: 20
Required Stats: 44 DEX
Weight: 15
Cost: 1,824

Long blades that are worn on the wrist, allowing you to attack enemies quickly.
Stats: None
Attack Power: 39
Attack Speed: Fast +4
Range: 2M
Grade: 2
Level: 29
Required Stats: 58 DEX
Weight: 25
Cost: 3,763

[2.4]Rake Hand
A sharp, rake-like weapon that can gather fallen leaves.
Stats: None
Attack Power: 48
Attack Speed: Fast +5
Range: 2M
Grade: 2
Level: 38
Required Stats: 72 DEX
Weight: 20
Cost: 6,647

[2.5]Wolf's Paw
A glove with sharp claws, imitating the paw of the wolf.
Stats: None
Attack Power: 62
Attack Speed: Fast +4
Range: 2M
Grade: 3
Level: 47
Required Stats: 86 DEX
Weight: 25
Cost: 11,712

[2.6]Bear's Paw
A glove with sharp claws, imitating the paw of the bear.
Stats: None
Attack Power: 75
Attack Speed: Fast +4
Range: 2M
Grade: 3
Level: 56
Required Stats: 100 DEX
Weight: 30
Cost: 19,693

[2.7]Spike Knuckle
A fearsome Knuckle covered with pointy spikes.
Stats: None
Attack Power: 85
Attack Speed: Fast +5
Range: 2M
Grade: 4
Level: 64
Required Stats: 112 DEX
Weight: 30
Cost: 26,481

[2.8]Crescent Knuckle
A beautiful Knuckle with crescent shaped blades.
Stats: None
Attack Power: 105
Attack Speed: Fast +4
Range: 2M
Grade: 4
Level: 72
Required Stats: 125 DEX
Weight: 35
Cost: 39,087

[2.9]Dual Patar
Long spears that are worn on both hands.
Stats: None
Attack Power: 127
Attack Speed: Fast +3
Range: 2M
Grade: 5
Level: 80
Required Stats: 137 DEX
Weight: 30
Cost: 55,900

[2.10]Shaft Claw
A powerful Knuckle with long claws designed for nimble attacks.
Stats: None
Attack Power: 138
Attack Speed: Fast +4
Range: 2M
Grade: 6
Level: 88
Required Stats: 149 DEX
Weight: 30
Cost: 73,884

[2.11]Assassin Katar
Powerful, long bladed Katars used by those who live in the shadows.
Stats: None
Attack Power: 149
Attack Speed: Fast +5
Range: 2M
Grade: 6
Level: 95
Required Stats: 159 DEX
Weight: 30
Cost: 93,304

[2.12]Dragon Knuckle
A high class Knuckle adorned with the face of a dragon.
Stats: None
Attack Power: 157
Attack Speed: Fast +4
Range: 2M
Grade: 6
Level: 100
Required Stats: 170 DEX
Weight: 30
Cost: 122,192

[2.13]Sudden Raid Dagger
The Katar for Raiders who have an 'all or nothing' philosophy in battle.
Stats: None
Attack Power: 197
Attack Speed: Fast +4
Range: 2M
Grade: 6
Level: 100
Required Stats: 181 DEX
Weight: 30
Cost: Not Sold

A stiletto used by a legendary person, but there has been many imitations.
Stats: None
Attack Power: 218
Attack Speed: Fast +4
Range: 2M
Grade: 6
Level: 100
Required Stats: 191 DEX
Weight: 30
Cost: Not Sold

[2.15]Fenrir's Tooth
Katar made from the bones of an unknown creature. Pray that you never meet the person who wields this weapon!
Stats: None
Attack Power: 229
Attack Speed: Fast +5
Range: 2M
Grade: 6
Level: 100
Required Stats: 202 DEX
Weight: 30
Cost: Not Sold

[2.16]Phantasma Knuckle
A weapon whose power increases as its Mana Energy develops. The ignorant fear the fireballs it can summon.
Stats: None
Attack Power: 264
Attack Speed: Fast +4
Range: 2M
Grade: 6
Level: 100
Required Stats: 211 DEX
Weight: 30
Cost: Not Sold

[2.17]Bloody Hook Knuckle
Captain Hook's horrific Hook. According to legend, he was able to defeat all his enemies with just that hand.
Stats: None
Attack Power: 289
Attack Speed: Fast +4
Range: 2M
Grade: 6
Level: 100
Required Stats: 220 DEX
Weight: 30
Cost: Not Sold

[2.18]Hawk Knuckle
Charming Knuckle weapons that are shaped like the head of a hawk.
Stats: None
Attack Power: 314
Attack Speed: Fast +4
Range: 2M
Grade: 6
Level: 100
Required Stats: 235 DEX
Weight: 30
Cost: Not Sold

[2.19]Raven Knuckle
The latest work from the craftsman who created the Hawk Knuckle.
Stats: None
Attack Power: 325
Attack Speed: Fast +5
Range: 2M
Grade: 6
Level: 100
Required Stats: 250 DEX
Weight: 30
Cost: Not Sold

A Katar crafted from the leathery skins of red, ugly bats.
Stats: None
Attack Power: 335
Attack Speed: Fast +4
Range: 2M
Grade: 7
Level: 180
Required Stats: 265 DEX
Weight: 30
Cost: Not Sold

A Katar whose ice claws protrude from the back of the handguards.
Stats: None
Attack Power: 350
Attack Speed: Fast +5
Range: 2M
Grade: 8
Level: 200
Required Stats: 280 DEX
Weight: 30
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